Continuing with some statements we hear often in our often that people begin to believe it is true...I am now moving to the statement, "Each religion sees part of spiritual truth, but none can see the whole truth." This is the second argument Timothy Keller deals briefly with in his book, The Reason For God.
Keller explains how the story of the blind men and the elephant is often used to promote this vewpoint. Several blind men come upon an elephant. Each blind man began to touch the elephant but in different places. One blind man touched the trunk and said an elephant is like a snake. A second blind man touched the elephant's leg and said, "No, an elephant is like a tree trunk." A third blind mand touched the elephant's side and said, "No, an elephant is large and flat." And a fourth blind man, holding the tail, said, "No, an elephant is like a rope."
The question we now have to ask is, who is seeing this happen? Because the one who is seeing this happen can see the whole elephant, that is...the whole truth! So now we have someone telling us they can see we religious folk touching only "parts" of the "whole truth". For this to be true, this someone is laying claim to being able to see the whole truth himself!
"How could you possibly know that no religion can see the whole truth unless you yourself have the superior, comprehensive knowledge of spiritual reality you just claimed that none of the religions have?" (Timothy Keller, The Reason For God, pg 9)