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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Are All Religions Equally Valid?

In his book, The Reason For God, Timothy Keller lists several axioms of our day used against religion. As I am reading these, I find it ironic that we even call these statements "axioms"...after all, axioms are statements that are accepted as "True". And these statements are pretty much designed to protest the idea that truth can be known. The person making these statements certainly should not call them "axioms" or "truths".

One of the popular arguments against religion, and by consequence, against Christianity, is that all religions are equally valid. And, as is also popular today, those with views that differ from pluralistic views are tagged with words such as "hate" and "extremist" and the like. By doing this, the public begins to hear it so much that they begin to believe it is "normal" or (dare I say) "True".

Are all religions equally valid? To answer this, we need to take into consideration what the differences of each religion are. Of course that would take up volumes. But what I see are different teachings. Those different teachings are "doctrines" that each religion holds. Doctrines are a body of teachings believed as true by a group or religion. Doctrines are what make each religion distinct. So the cry then becomes, "away with doctrine, it is divisive!" So the one who makes this claim is calling for us to abandon all doctrine EXCEPT his doctrine to "do away with all doctrine in order to come together." What I see is the forbidden "truth claim" in the very claim that no one can claim to have a claim on the truth. Sounds a little hypocritical to me.

When someone tells me that it is wrong for someone to have a view of God that they believe to be superior to every other religions' view of God, that person is doing the very thing he condemns religion for. He believes HIS VIEW of God is superior to the Christian view or any other religous view. He actaully believes himself to be more enlightened and superior to all the religions of the world.

My problem with this is that such a person has no standard whatsoever but his own, to stand on. And I am not much of a follower of man and I am 100% convinced that he is not impressive enough to woo me to follow his teachings. I mean his own teachings are self-refuting and that sort of puts an end to the validity of that argument for me.

Jesus proved Himself. Jesus validated Himself. The God of the Bible consistently answers the questions of life. The problem is not inconsistency in the Christian worldview, but the refusal of man to accept that it is so. That is all I have for now. Have a great night. And pick up a copy of Timothy Keller's "The Reason For God".