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Thursday, February 18, 2010

First Day(s)

February 18, 2010

Genesis 1:3-5
Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. 4And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 5God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.

Matthew Henry: [Observation #] “6. That this was the first day’s work, and a good day’s work it was. The evening and the morning were the first day. This was not only the first day of the world, but the first day of the week. I observe it to the honour of that day, because the new world began on the first day of the week likewise, in the resurrection of Christ, as the light of the world, early in the morning. In Him the dayspring [dawn] from on high has visited the world.”

Clay Miller: The “new world” Henry is speaking of is the church age, after the resurrection of Christ, which happened on a Sunday. Sunday is the Lord’s Day. It is the day the church sets aside for a God-centered, God-focused time of corporate worship and personal devotion. Sadly, it is now used very little for God. Maybe, just maybe, people go to church, but they give very little of the rest of the day to God. I know I am guilty of this. This is actually a subject that has been on my mind lately and that the time has come to research. Some of the things I want to nail down are why the church replaced the Sabbath, what is acceptable on the Lord’s Day, what kind of devotion should that day be used for, and on a personal level, how can I implement all of it in my life and family? As I go through the Bible verse by verse, and come to this issue, I will comment more and share better thoughts as I gather them together. One thing is for sure…First day’s of this creation and of the Christian era are special.