My name is Clay. This blog is mostly me but sometimes maybe my wife will add some things as well as my son and daughter when they learn to read and write and know Jesus. DOGGG stands for Docrines of Grace Guys and Girls. This page is dedicated to topics involving the truth of God's word.
Welcome to Doctrines of Grace Guys and Girl. Two guys and two girls who wholly embrace the sovereignty of God in ALL THINGS including salvation. Our desire it to put on display the infinite and awesome greatness and value of the Lord Jesus Christ. Over time the plan is to do some studies on the biblical teachings of Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Perseverance of the Saints. All of that will be explained in the future of this blog Lord willing. But to begin with I will be commenting on our study of other topics. We hope you are blessed and we hope this will be edifying to you and help you in your relationship with Jesus Christ.