...Charnock continues: " 'Said in his heart;' that is, he thinks, or he doubts,or he wishes. The thoughts of the heart are in the nature of words to God, though not to men. It is used in the like case of the atheistical principle, (Psalm 10:11, 13)'He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten; he hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it.' He doth not form a syllogism...that there is no God: he dares not openly publish it, though he dares secretly think it. He cannot raze [destroy] out the thoughts of a deity, though he endeavors to blot those characters of God in his soul. He hath some doubts whether there a be a God or no: he wishes there were not any, and sometimes hopes there is none at all. He could not so ascertain himself by convincing arguments to produce to the world, but he tampered with his own heart to bring it to that persuasion and smothered in himself those notices of deity; which is so plain against the light of nature, that such a man may well be called a fool for it."
Clay: Whatever we say in our heart, it is as if we said it out loud to God. He knows our thoughts and knows our motives better than we do. So no matter what we say with our lips to give lip service to the existence of God, God looks at the truth in the heart. The fool is the person who thinks there is no God. As much as a person hopes, wishes and doubts, he still knows there is plenty of evidence around him in support of a Creator. He will accept anything even if it is irrational. Evolution is a friend to such a person. Although he would never believe the utter silliness posed by evolution in any other context, he will gladly join in by faith that somehow, some way, nothing created everything. He would not believe a car could evolve from nothing...but a universe...no problem. He would not believe his house just evolved with all its structure, support, foundation, wiring, outlets, switches, etc...but a universe, no problem. He will let his heart smother the absurdity...all because he loves his sin.